We optimize the interaction between people and companies.
Brand building is one of the most important process for companies, if not the most important. To achieve success with a brand and have it deeply rooted in the public’s mind from the outset, numerous crucial elements need to be taken into account. Our company has extensive experience in brand building with several successful businesses standing behind our work.
The actual visual design is based on wireframe plans specific to the page type. We develop web design concepts for chosen layouts and then refine the best one to perfection. Our team offers solutions tailored to user needs for our clients.
Our core expertise lies in the development of digital media and mobile products. Our team boasts extensive experience in managing high-traffic websites, always prioritizing an optimal user experience. Drawing from our e-commerce background, we operate bespoke online stores, whether based on Woocommerce or Magento
Marketing activities help make a brand known. However, it matters whether we build this activity on a well-designed strategy or jump straight to tactical implementation after defining the goal. A marketing strategy ensures that we reach the target audience more cost-effectively and with precision. We have assisted and continue to assist dozens of clients in this regard.
In the realm of consulting, we primarily focus on marketing consultancy, which closely relates to the points mentioned earlier. We assist our clients in reaching a broader audience with their products and provide recommendations for managing various campaigns and advertisements.

“” website is a modern, automated ad management platform that allows for the automatic conversion of Facebook and Instagram posts into advertisements. The system offers reliable database management and transaction handling features, ensuring data integrity and smooth ad operations. The site also introduces the unique service of Infinite∞AI, which utilizes artificial intelligence to assess and optimize the text of posts

The Street Kitchen website is one of the most demanding Hungarian gastronomy portals with the most impressive content. The development and design works on the site are being done by the Digital Summit from the beginning. During the project, it was a real technological challenge to be able to run a WordPress-based site that – sometimes – has hundreds of thousands of daily visits.

“JOY-Napok” is one of the largest coupon events in Hungary, its size is close to the Black Friday event. The task of the Digital Summit is to develop the Joy Hungary app, that operates during the “JOY-Napok”, in which users can conveniently purchase and use the coupons available during the event. The application is available for Android and iOS systems.

Dockid is a really exciting startup that offers many possibilities, aimed at mothers-to-be women. It is a video site operating in a subscription system, which’s special feature is that the applications created for it and the website are served by one codebase. is a website for the apartments of a newly building apartment under 112 Egressy Street in Budapest. The users have the possibility to view the plans of the apartments, request an offer and even choose a virtual apartment. Every single parts of the website was created by the Digital Summit team, starting with the logo design through the whole website design right up to the development. is a Hungarian startup focused on video shopping and live stream shopping. During the project, we encountered the most diverse challenges and used cutting edge technologies. From the operation of the stream to real-time video analytics, the various system integrations were and are being carried out by the Digital Summit team for the successful startup. The project included the development of a website, a web application, as well as Android and iOS applications.

“” website is a modern e-commerce platform with a user-friendly interface offering additive-free ready meals. Behind the site operates a reliable database management system and transaction handling to ensure data integrity and smooth purchases.

Dining Guide is one of the most serious gastronomy portals in the Hungarian media market. Digital Summit was tasked with designing, developing, and operating the Dining Guide portal, as well as creating special advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

A Street Kitchen weboldal a magyar gasztronómiai portálok közül az egyik legigényesebb és legimpozánsabb tartalommal bíró weboldal. Már az indulástól a fejlesztési és a design munkákat a Digital Summit végzi az oldalon
A Bannerse 2021-ben jött létre annak érdekében, hogy javítsa a programozható videó hirdetések elköteleződési arányát. A Digital Summit csapata a rendszerintegrációkat az adatfolyam kezelésétől a valós idejű videóelemzésig végzi.
A Dockid egy rendkívül izgalmas startup, amely számos lehetőséget kínál a várandós nőknek egy előfizetéses videós oldalon keresztül. Az oldal egyedi jellemzője, hogy mind az alkalmazások, mind pedig a weboldal egyetlen kódalapon futnak.
A Dining Guide az egyik legjelentősebb gasztronómiai portál a magyar médiapiacban. A Digital Summit csapatát bízták meg a Dining Guide portál tervezésével, fejlesztésével és üzemeltetésével, valamint különleges hirdetési és szponzorációs lehetőségek létrehozásával.
A Digital Summit csapata készítette el az weboldalt, a logó tervezéstől az oldal fejlesztéséig minden részletet figyelembe véve. Az oldal új építésű apartmanokat mutat be Budapesten, az Egressy utca 112 alatt.
A Digital Summit a Joy Hungary alkalmazást fejlesztette a JOY-Napok nevű nagy kupon eseményre, amelyen keresztül a felhasználók könnyen vásárolhatnak és használhatnak kuponokat.